
Amid price fluctuations, agents leave the market, and liquidity is low in BR

Cepea, May 4, 2022 – The quotations for arabica coffee fluctuated widely in Brazil in April, which drove agents away from the national spot market. Price drops...


Progress of the harvesting of early oranges may lower prices

Cepea, May 4, 2022 – The harvesting of early oranges is expected to advance in May, which may raise supply and press down quotations. In general, availability has...


Firm demand for soy oil and higher export parity raise soybean prices in BR

Cepea, May 4, 2022 – Soy oil prices increased in Brazil in April, reflecting the high world demand. Despite the end of truckers’ strike in Argentina, the...


With agents focused on the national and the American crops, domestic liquidity decreases

Cepea, May 4, 2022 – Focused on the development of the second crop in Brazil and aware of the current bad weather conditions in the United States – which...


Production may increase in Brazil, but decrease in both Argentina and Ukraine

Cepea, May 4, 2022 – Wheat production is expected to increase in Brazil this year, while in Argentina and in Ukraine, the harvest is expected to be lower.  ...


Boosted by low supply, prices rise in the 1st month of the 22/23 season

Cepea, May 4, 2022 – The monthly average prices for hydrous and anhydrous ethanol rose high in São Paulo State in April, the first official month of the...


CAFÉ/CEPEA: Preço do robusta oscila em abril, mas fecha mês em queda

Cepea, 04/05/2022 – Os preços do café robusta oscilaram ao longo de abril, mas fecharam o mês em baixa, pressionados pelo crescimento da oferta...


ALGODÃO/CEPEA: Indicador ultrapassa a casa dos R$ 7,6/lp

Cepea, 04/05/2022 – O Indicador CEPEA/ESALQ do algodão em pluma (pagamento em oito dias) fechou acima dos R$ 7,6/libra-peso nessa terça-feira, 3. De...


ARROZ/CEPEA: Colheita está no fim, mas negociação segue lenta no RS

Cepea, 04/05/2022 – Mesmo com a proximidade do final da colheita no Rio Grande do Sul, orizicultores têm disponibilizado lotes ainda menores do grão...


Prazo para regularizar pendências junto à Dívida Ativa da União é prorrogado

O governo federal prorrogou (mais uma vez) o prazo para a negociação de dívidas com benefícios. A Procuradoria-Geral da Fazenda Nacional (PGFN) prorrogou até 30 de...